About our blog
Welcome to our blog !
Our blog is dedicated to ecology and environmental protection, it is a common point that we all have in the group, this topic has been topical for decades, and this blog is a good way for us to get the right message out and share our stories and experiences.
We take certain actions on a daily basis to reduce our impact on the environment, and we believe that everyone can act at their level, so don't wait for others to get started, it is possible to act now ...
This blog is a good way for us to introduce you to some beautiful places unfortunately threatened to disappear, but also to invite you to adopt simple gestures which can help to reduce our impact on the environment. Protecting biodiversity should be a priority in our daily lives, and everyone at his own scale, locally, can do something about it: by making small changes in our habits, and raising awareness about the importance to protect our local natural reserves, water, forest, by creating safe and rewilded areas, we can act for the planet but also for ourselves and our communities ...
Our blog is done with passion, we would also like to integrate short explanatory videos on certain topics in LSF (French Sign Language). Célia and Anna are passionate about this language, and they want to become professionals in this field. This is a good way to make you discover this language, and have your returns about it !
We hope you'll enjoy the blog, and maybe you'll learn some new things; we are looking forward to interact with you and to share your stories and experiences too !
Anna, Célia and Linda
About us
And about earth
We are three (young) and passionate people, Célia, 20 years old living near Montpellier, France , Linda 27 is living in Alicante in Spain and Anna, 34 years old living in the "Haut Languedoc regional park"in Hérault .
We all are really curious about languages ( we, Anna and Célia, are studying linguistic and French Sign Language) and Linda is speaking Spanish , English and French too : )
We also love to discover new areas, cultures and cooking habits, new cultural knowledge about growing food, techniques to save water, and any ecological solution to reduce our impact on earth, so, do not hesitate to share it on our blog !
In another words, we are curious people, especially about your thoughts and feelings :)
We are, of course, sensitive about nature and the environment ; we strongly believe that it is now time to protect natural areas, which are endangered and reducing year after year due to deforestation, human industrial activity, industrial farming and global warming.
We joined together to present some small insights of the Earth's beauties and specific natural habitats from France, Spain and elsewhere, hoping that you will enjoy it and send us your pictures, comments and informations about your local struggles to defend and protect the Earth !
Looking forward to read your comments, to get to know more about you and the environment you are living in. Hopefully, our blog will enable some discussion about environmental protection in many other areas ...
Linda, Célia and Anna
All the posts
1 - Wetlands and their importance in reducing global warming, pictures and informations. Example : a place in the natural regional park ("Haut Languedoc") threatened by the whisky industry ; why we should protect wetlands and water ressources as a commun right and fight privatisation.
2 - Danger of tungsten mining ; how the global mining industry is threatening our environment. Example of the mining project near Lacaune les Bains (dpt 81) France : the inhabitants are resisting and relation to the destruction caused in other countries.
3 - General informations about flora and fauna in parc naturel regional of Haut Languedoc.
1 - Becoming vegan for the environment : what are the harmful aspects of the animal's factory farming ?
2 - Doing a little better every day : all the things to do every day to help the planet.
3 - The oil of all debates : How is palm oil bad for the environment?
4 - To better understand : films / documentaries to see and review ; some accounts on social networks to go see ; interesting websites about ecology.
1 - Example of natural's protection park accomplishment in Spain and the details of their conduct. How are they shielded natural park ?
2 - What about people's involvment on Earth damage ?
3 - Is there a way to escape domineering comercial's project ?
4 - Example of Coral's suffocation, what are the consequences of some project on Earth ?
5 - Outlook of futur landscape ?
6 - Build a community to incorporate social responsability and make things change.