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Doing a little better everyday

All the things to help our planet

Doing better for the environment is part of my daily routine. I don't use an enterely zero waste routine yet, but I think that each of us can make a gesture for the planet, a small step that can encourage others to do the same. It might seems boring or discouraging at first for some of us, but I'm sure that the most of you are already using some of this tips mechanically.

In this post, I wanted to put together these small simple actions that we can all do on a daily basis, and a list of accessories to have if we want to start paying attention to our consumption.

I use them every day, not all of them of course, but I do my best to limit my waste by using these "0 waste essentials". 

All of you know some tips that will be mentioned in this list, but to me, basic and simple reminders of 0 waste solutions are essential!

I can't wait to interact with you !    Célia 

Daily life and tips: Texte
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